What Is a Blown Save in Baseball? Definition and Impact Explained


A blown save in baseball occurs when a relief pitcher fails to maintain his team’s lead. This typically happens when the reliever enters the game during a save situation and allows the tying or go-ahead run.

Understanding a blown save is crucial for fans tracking a team’s bullpen reliability and a reliever’s effectiveness. It’s a stat often used to measure the pressure-handling capabilities of a pitcher. While it can be a disappointing moment for fans and teams alike, the term is integral in analyzing game outcomes and pitcher performances.

The concept highlights the volatility of late innings and underscores the importance of a solid bullpen in securing wins. Baseball aficionados and statisticians alike keep a keen eye on blown saves to gauge the clutch performance of a team’s relievers.

Setting The Stage: The Save Situation

Setting the Stage: The Save Situation unfolds in the tense final innings of a baseball game. To understand the thrill and heartbreak of a blown save, one must first grasp the importance of a save situation. A save situation is a special moment. The stage is set for the closing pitcher, known as the closer. This pitcher has a lead to protect. The team expects him to ensure victory. The lead must be three runs or fewer, or he must represent the potential tying run. It’s this intense pressure cooker that leads to either a save or a blown save.

Importance Of The Closer

The closer walks into the spotlight in the ninth inning. His sole mission: seal the deal. Fans know him as the final defender, the one who keeps the lead safe. His role is crucial. A game often hinges on the closer’s performance. A steely mentality and an arsenal of tricky pitches are his tools. The closer’s success rate becomes his badge of honor. A good closer equals more wins.

Precursor To The Blown Save

Before a blown save can happen, the stage is set with a closer ready to perform. A blown save is the twist no one wants. It occurs when a closer fails. A lead slips away. The opposing team scores enough runs to tie or take the lead. It’s a moment that flips the script. It launches fans from the edge of their seats. The precursor is the tension, the build-up of hope, and the closer with the game in his hands.

Blown Save Explained

In the world of baseball, relief pitchers step in with one mission: to maintain their team’s lead. But there’s a twist in their tale called the “blown save.” Let’s dive into what this term means for the game and the player involved.

Criteria For A Blown Save

A blown save is a statistic awarded when things don’t go as planned. The criteria include:

  • A pitcher enters the game with a lead of three runs or less.
  • The pitcher must be in a save situation.
  • The lead is lost or the game gets tied under their watch.

As soon as the opposing team evens the score or takes the lead, our pitcher gets the blown save mark.

Impact On The Relief Pitcher

When a pitcher blows a save, it can shake confidence. Stats matter. For fans, the player might seem less reliable. For the team, it could mean rethinking strategies. Let’s glue our eyes to the mound and see how they bounce back in their next showdown.

What’s Next? A blown save doesn’t have to spell doom. Pitchers learn, adapt, and sometimes emerge stronger. The beauty of baseball lies in these moments of redemption.

Not Just The Closer’s Burden

Blown saves in baseball don’t just fall on the shoulders of the closer. This anxious moment can strike any pitcher coming out of the bullpen, and its impact reverberates through the entire team. The closer often faces the pressure in the final inning, but the setup man or any reliever can encounter this situation. Understanding that it’s not just the closer’s burden helps us appreciate the team dynamics and pressures faced by all relief pitchers.

Any Reliever’s Nightmare

Relievers thrive on safeguarding leads, so a blown save feels like a punch to the gut. It’s the scenario they all dread—entering the game in a high-stakes situation and failing to maintain the lead. The tension isn’t reserved for late-game drama, as this can happen at any point after the fifth inning. Relief pitchers must arrive ready, knowing their performance might be the difference between a win and a loss.

  • A lead dissipating on their watch
  • Ominous tension that tests their resolve
  • The repercussion felt by both them and their team

Shared Responsibility In The Bullpen

Baseball is a team sport, and the bullpen exemplifies this through shared responsibility. While the closer is often in the limelight, setup men and middle relievers also play pivotal roles in securing a win. They bridge the gap from the starters to the closer, each holding a piece of the game’s outcome in their hands.

StartersSet the game’s pace
Middle RelieversMaintain the lead
Setup MenPrepare the stage for the closer
CloserSeal the victory

When the game is on the line, each pitcher’s contribution is critical. A blown save by any reliever can shift the game’s momentum and add an unexpected twist to the scoreboard. Everyone in the bullpen shares the burden—and the triumph—of each game’s outcome.

What Is a Blown Save in Baseball? Unraveling the Mystery

Credit: www.amazon.com

The Psychology Behind Blown Saves

Imagine a pitcher, one out away from securing victory, only to see the game slip away. The term “blown save” echoes loudly through the stands and within the collective breath of the fans. But beyond the statistics and game recaps, there’s a psychological dimension to blown saves that goes unnoticed.

Mental Resilience In Baseball

A closer’s mentality is a fortress, often the difference between victory and defeat. A blown save tests this mental toughness like no other moment in sports. The ability to shut out the crowd, the pressure, and the internal dialogue becomes critical.

  • Stay focused on the present pitch, not past mistakes.
  • Visualize success to build a strong mental image of achievement.
  • Develop a short memory; resilience thrives on forgetting quickly.

Closers harness these skills to cultivate the mental resilience necessary to bounce back after a setback. They know that the next save opportunity is just around the corner, and mental fortitude will carry them through.

Coping With High-pressure Situations

In baseball’s cauldron of tension, coping with high-pressure situations distinguishes great closers. The seconds before the pitch can feel like an eternity if a pitcher’s mind starts racing. Strategies become crucial:

  1. Breathe deeply, slowing the game down to manageable moments.
  2. Embrace the pressure as an ally, not an enemy.
  3. Trust in one’s ability and preparation – there’s a reason they’re in this position.

By mastering these coping mechanisms, a pitcher can step back onto the mound with confidence, ready to preserve the next lead that comes their way. Every blown save is a lesson, and with the right psychological approach, it can be a step toward future triumph.

Statistics: Measuring The Immeasurable

Baseball fans often debate the value of a relief pitcher. Advanced statistics shine a light on this debate. One area that sparks interest is the concept of a blown save. This statistic is crucial for understanding a relief pitcher’s impact. But to truly grasp its significance, let’s dive into how it is quantified and what it tells us about a pitcher’s performance.

Quantifying Relief Pitching

Relief pitchers step in to protect leads. Their job is to secure wins. A key measure for relief pitching is the save. But sometimes things go wrong. A blown save occurs when a pitcher fails to maintain the lead. To understand a relief pitcher’s reliability, we track these moments.

  • Save Opportunities: Times when a pitcher can earn a save.
  • Saves: Successfully securing a win after entering in a save situation.
  • Blown Saves: Losing the lead in a save situation.
  • Save Percentage: Saves divided by save opportunities.

These statistics reflect a pitcher’s effectiveness in high-pressure scenarios. A lower number of blown saves signals a formidable relief pitcher. A high number may suggest an unreliable one.

How A Blown Save Affects Era

An Earned Run Average (ERA) is a pitcher’s average allowed runs per nine innings. When a relief pitcher encounters a blown save, their ERA often spikes.

Before Blown SaveAfter Blown Save
Lower ERAHigher ERA

A blown save can tarnish an otherwise stellar ERA. Evaluating ERA alongside blown saves gives a clearer picture of a pitcher’s skill. It balances their success rate with their failures.

What Is a Blown Save in Baseball? Unraveling the Mystery

Credit: www.vanityfair.com

Famous Blown Saves In History

A blown save is a nail-biting moment in baseball. It happens when a relief pitcher enters a game with a lead, but allows the other team to tie or take the lead. Not all blown saves are equal. Some have altered the course of baseball history. Let’s look at some of the most famous blown saves that fans still talk about.

Games That Changed Baseball

Sometimes a game takes a turn no one expects. These are games that stick in our memory. They remind us baseball is full of surprises.

  • 1986 World Series, Game 6: The Red Sox were one out away from winning. Then, a single by the Mets and a famous error turned the game around.
  • 2001 World Series, Game 7: The Diamondbacks faced the legendary Mariano Rivera. They scored twice in the ninth inning to win their first championship.

Learning From Mistakes

Blown saves teach important lessons. Teams and players learn and grow from these tough moments. Here are lessons learned from past mistakes:

  1. Never take a lead for granted, no matter how late in the game.
  2. Always stay focused and ready for a game to change.
  3. Work hard, and you can overcome any bad game.

Recovery And Redemption

In baseball, a blown save can disappoint fans and wound a pitcher’s pride. It involves a relief pitcher entering a game in a save situation but fails to seal the win. Their team loses its lead, often resulting in a loss. Yet, even when a pitcher faces such setbacks, the next game offers a chance at recovery and redemption.

Bouncing Back From A Tough Game

The path to redemption starts with a strong mindset. Great pitchers use a blown save to fuel their determination. They review their performance, making adjustments as needed. Coaches often contribute to this process with valuable insights.

  • Analyzing the game footage to spot errors and areas for improvement.
  • Working on mechanics during practice to perfect pitches.
  • Building mental toughness to handle pressure in future games.
  • Developing a short memory to forget mistakes and focus on the present.

Stories Of Comeback

Baseball history shines with pitchers who turned a tough break into a success story. Many have faced a blown save, only to emerge stronger.

PitcherBlown Save DateRedemption Game
Mariano RiveraJuly 14, 2001Five consecutive saves following the game
Trevor HoffmanApril 29, 1997Bounced back with a scoreless streak of 20 innings
Billy WagnerJune 13, 2006Finished the season with a 2.24 ERA and 40 saves

Their stories inspire both teammates and fans alike, proving that a single setback doesn’t define a player’s career. With resilience and hard work, a comeback is always within reach.

Influence On Team Dynamics

The term ‘blown save’ in baseball factors heavily into the team’s chemistry and overall dynamics. When a relief pitcher fails to maintain the lead, resulting in a blown save, the ripple effect on teammates is palpable. Understanding how to handle these situations is crucial for team morale and success.

Supporting A Pitcher After A Blown Save

It’s essential to rally around a pitcher post-blown save. Positive reinforcement plays a key role. Teammates often acknowledge the pitcher’s effort, disregarding the undesired outcome. Actions might include publicly backing the player during media interactions or offering words of encouragement privately.

Maintaining Team Morale

Keeping spirits high after losing a lead demands strategic team management. Leaders may call for team meetings to reiterate unity and shared goals. In addition, acknowledging individual efforts helps. A culture that values resilience and learning from such setbacks keeps the team strong and focused.

  • Regular communication among players
  • Focus on collective responsibility
  • Stress on future opportunities, not past mistakes


What Is a Blown Save in Baseball? Unraveling the Mystery

Credit: www.amazon.com

Frequently Asked Questions Of What Is A Blown Save In Baseball?

What Is The Difference Between A Blown Hold And A Blown Save?

A blown hold occurs when a relief pitcher fails to maintain their inherited lead. Conversely, a blown save happens when the closing pitcher loses the lead in a potential save situation. Both scenarios prevent a team from securing a win.

Who Leads Baseball In Blown Saves?

As of the latest records, Rollie Fingers and Goose Gossage are tied for the most career blown saves in baseball history, with 112 each.

Can You Get A Hold And A Blown Save?

Yes, a pitcher can record both a hold and a blown save in the same game if they enter in a save situation, maintain the lead but later allow the tying run.


Understanding a blown save is crucial for baseball fans eager to grasp the game’s nuances. It highlights a pitcher’s struggle and a team’s missed opportunity. As enthusiasts track their favorite closers, recognizing this key statistic adds depth to the viewing experience.

Stay informed, appreciate the pressure situations, and enjoy every game’s unfolding drama.


Mark Hertz

Hello, I am Mark Hertz a full-time blogger and digital content creator. My passion and profession is blogging and sharing with this blog various ways to make money online from internet.

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